
ARPStal Antoni Ratajczak implements the project entitled.

"Implementation of innovations related to steel processing as a chance to increase the competitiveness of ARPStal".

under the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme 2014 - 2020, Sub-measure 1.5.2.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the innovative potential of the ARPStal company through the construction of production and utility infrastructure and the purchase of fixed assets and T&E.

Planned effects of the project:

  • Increase in employment in supported enterprises - 3 FTE 
  • Number of introduced product innovations - 1 FTE - Number of introduced process innovations - 1 item. 
  • Number of introduced non-technological innovations - 1 item.

Project value: 5 704 375,93 PLN

European Funds contribution: 1 995 135.67 PLN